What You Should Know About the New Texas Abortion Law

Texas abortion law has been a hot topic in recent months, as Governor Greg Abbot signed new legislation into law. This legislation prohibits Texas abortions as early as six weeks into pregnancy and, just days ago, the supreme court opted not to block it on a 5-4 decision. Now, doctors are getting sued on the grounds outlined in Senate Bill 8, and it has created a media frenzy.


The law is considered a complete ban on Texas abortions because most happen after the sixth week of pregnancy, 85-90% according to lawyers for clinics (NYT). This is inconsistent with Roe v. Wade, so some are taking issue with it. Some legal experts are also criticizing the Supreme Court and accusing the justices of politicization.

Many Americans are challenging the new law, stating that it is some of the strictest legislation in Texas history. The Texas Tribune wrote, “Legal experts have been divided on the strategy, and abortion rights advocates have said they plan to fight regardless.” The governor is unwavering, though, as he stated, “Our creator endowed us with the right to life and yet millions of children lose their right to life every year because of abortion.” He is tightening restrictions and defending the legislation. Once a “heartbeat” is detected, abortion is not allowed. The official name, which can be found on the bill, is Texas Heartbeat Act.

Texas Lawsuits

Currently, lawsuits can be filed against doctors who break this law. Two lawsuits have been filed against a San Antonio doctor who wrote about performing an abortion that goes against the Texas Heartbeat Act. Texas residency is not a requirement to file suit against doctors who break this law.

Some news outlets suspect that other states will follow suit. 

Bill Text: TX SB8 | 2021-2022 | 87th Legislature

To learn more, visit https://legiscan.com/TX/text/SB8/id/2395961


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