How to Write a Character Letter for a Judge

When facing the criminal justice system, it’s important to understand the possible ways to reduce the consequences. In some cases, this might include presenting a character letter to the court. A character letter is a written statement that provides a personal account of the defendant’s character, often from a friend, family member, or colleague, to […]

Can I Get a DWI Off My Record?

Expunge a DWI If your DWI is dismissed (without being placed on probation) or you are acquitted at trial, then you are likely eligible for an expunction under Chapter 55A (formerly Chapter 55) of the Texas Code of Criminal Procedure. You can contact Cofer Luster Criminal Defense Lawyers to file a petition to expunge that […]

The Steps of a Criminal Case

The Texas criminal justice system processes individuals charged with crimes under the state penal code. Most individuals arrested for the first time are unfamiliar with the criminal process in Texas. Whether this is your first arrest or you have a criminal record, hiring an experienced Fort Worth criminal defense lawyer can ensure you are adequately […]

Dropping Charges in Criminal Cases

Understanding the process of dropping charges in criminal cases is crucial for defendants, as it can significantly impact their legal strategy and their future. By becoming knowledgeable about these options, defendants can actively participate in their defense and work toward achieving a favorable outcome. Dropping Charges Is Up To the Prosecutor The decision to drop […]

What You Need To Know About Expungement in Texas

In Texas, individuals have two primary methods to eliminate their criminal records: expunction (or expungement) and non-disclosure. Expunction entails completely eradicating a person’s criminal history from all public databases, including records maintained by law enforcement and prosecution offices.  On the other hand, non-disclosure restricts public access to information regarding specific offenses, effectively concealing them from […]

The Role of a Criminal Defense Attorney and How He Can Help You

A criminal defense attorney is a specific type of lawyer who defends people charged with crimes. Defense attorneys can either be hired privately by a defendant or appointed through the court system. It is never too early to meet with a criminal defense lawyer if you face a criminal charge. Effective legal representation is critical when you […]