Texas Abortion Law

Texas has some of the strictest abortion laws in the country. It had a trigger law in place that prohibited most abortions in the state. The law went into effect when the United States Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade in June 2022 with the decision in Dobbs v. Jackson. The Human Life Protection Act […]

Indecent Exposure Laws in Texas

Being arrested for indecent exposure can be frightening and stressful. It can also be embarrassing, so you might hesitate to speak with an attorney about the criminal charges. However, the best way to protect your rights is to work with an experienced Texas criminal defense lawyer. The consequences of a conviction for indecent exposure can […]

Texas Gun Laws

In 2021, Texas significantly changed its gun laws, allowing individuals who meet legal criteria to carry handguns in public without requiring a License to Carry (LTC). Texas still maintains the option for residents to obtain an LTC, which may offer certain advantages over unlicensed carry. Understanding who is eligible to possess a firearm and what […]

Is Domestic Violence a Felony in Texas?

Domestic violence is defined as an act of family violence by one person against another in their family or household. For anyone involved in this type of case in Texas, it’s crucial to know that the charges can vary greatly. Domestic violence may be prosecuted as either a misdemeanor or felony depending on several factors, […]

When Can a Person Be Charged With Domestic Assault in Texas?

Domestic assault is a serious criminal charge in Texas aimed at addressing harmful or threatening behavior between family members, household members, or those in dating relationships. Understanding when and how these charges can be brought against an individual is crucial. It allows people to be aware of their rights and responsibilities under the law and […]

Prosecution Tactics in Domestic Violence Cases

Domestic violence is one of the most serious types of charges in Fort Worth, TX. If you are charged with domestic violence, you need to hire a domestic violence defense lawyer to protect you.  An experienced attorney will know the most common prosecution tactics in domestic violence cases. They can use this knowledge to advocate […]

Dropping Charges in Criminal Cases

Understanding the process of dropping charges in criminal cases is crucial for defendants, as it can significantly impact their legal strategy and their future. By becoming knowledgeable about these options, defendants can actively participate in their defense and work toward achieving a favorable outcome. Dropping Charges Is Up To the Prosecutor The decision to drop […]

What You Need To Know About Expungement in Texas

In Texas, individuals have two primary methods to eliminate their criminal records: expunction (or expungement) and non-disclosure. Expunction entails completely eradicating a person’s criminal history from all public databases, including records maintained by law enforcement and prosecution offices.  On the other hand, non-disclosure restricts public access to information regarding specific offenses, effectively concealing them from […]

What Proof Is Needed for a Restraining Order?

A restraining order is different from a protective order. Protective orders are used to protect victims in a domestic or family violence criminal case. However, restraining orders dictate what a person is legally allowed to do or not to do. Restraining orders often arise in civil cases. Even though a restraining order is a civil […]

What Happens When a Domestic Violence Victim Doesn’t Want to Press Charges?

Domestic violence (or family violence) involves an assault on someone who has a specific relationship with you. These serious criminal charges could result in legal and collateral consequences impacting many areas of your personal and professional life. Additionally, domestic violence accusations are often accompanied by protective orders that could require you to move out of […]