Assault Charges

Assault charges cover a wide range of cases in the criminal justice system. Assault includes, but is not limited to, simple assault, aggravated assault, injury to a child, and domestic violence. The team at Cofer Luster Criminal Defense Lawyers has defended many assault cases and have been able to secure dismissals for many clients. Assault charges are complicated, and they can flip someone’s life upside down. Tarrant County prosecutes assault cases aggressively, but we fight back aggressively. 


Simple assault occurs when an individual threatens someone or intentionally causes bodily injury to another person. While simple assault is typically a misdemeanor, aggravating factors can be added to make it aggravated assault, which can make it a felony charge. Assault may be aggravated by the use of a deadly weapon, causing serious bodily injury, or by making threats of death or serious bodily injury. Aggravated assault is typically a first- or second-degree felony charge. The team at Cofer Luster Criminal Defense Lawyers is here to help you fight these charges. 


Another type of assault charge is domestic violence. Domestic violence covers a wide range of offenses that range from a first offense misdemeanor to choking or impeding breath. When accused of a domestic violence charge, an emergency protective order may be placed between you and the victim, even if the victim does not want it. This can make life incredibly complicated, as you may not be able to be in the same house as your family. 


When facing assault charges, you need an experienced criminal defense lawyer to fight for you. We are here to take some of your stress off and fight on your behalf. If you or someone you know are facing assault charges, reach out to us at 682-777-3336 or contact us online


Assault charges, especially family violence, can break your life into pieces. Whether you are the person charged, or the alleged victim, you will find the Texas criminal justice system seems to work on autopilot once the police are called for an assault charge. Trying to get police or prosecutors to listen to you is a lost cause and can be dangerous. What you say after the police arrive can make the situation much worse or lead to new charges.


Our team has defended and prosecuted more assault cases than we can count. Every case is unique, but our long list of dismissals certainly says something about our effectiveness. Cody Cofer, James Luster, Pam Boggess, and Demetrice Lopez (of counsel) have all prosecuted assault charges, including family violence. We know firsthand the challenges and pressures prosecutors face when trying to do the right thing. Our job is to make the prosecutor understand the realities of the situation (not just the charge) and make the prosecutor feel comfortable dismissing the case. At the same time, we are always getting our case prepared for trial.


We provide comprehensive criminal defense for assault charges ranging from simple assault to aggravated assault with a deadly weapon. Tarrant County aggressively prosecutes assault cases, so you need to find a lawyer to aggressively defend you. Cofer Luster is experienced in the courtroom, in the field investigating, and at the negotiating table. From the moment you walk into our office, we begin building a persuasive argument for the prosecutor to dismiss your assault charge. While working toward a dismissal, we explore every other avenue to keep the assault case off of your permanent criminal record. If the prosecutors decide they will not see reason, then we push them to trial. We pick up our well-prepared case and begin the battle for a “Not Guilty” verdict from a jury. A “guilty” plea is a last resort.

Aggravated Assault

In Texas, these are serious felony charges (Second or First Degree). If someone is convicted, they are facing a long term of incarceration in state prison, back-breaking parole terms and conditions, expensive fines, and likely disqualification for some housing, employment, and even child custody. Contact Us.

Domestic Violence

Even misdemeanor domestic violence cases have serious consequences. In many ways, these charges are treated like felonies. Someone convicted of family violence cannot possess a firearm. (Texas Law and Federal Law). Possession of a firearm after a conviction can result in a new felony charge. A conviction may also impact your housing options. Many apartment and house landlords will not rent a property to someone with a conviction. Contact Us.

Injury to a Child

Injury to a child charges in Texas often arise from false allegations and misunderstood circumstances. Regardless of how innocent you are, with child abuse allegations the system is designed to first and foremost protect children. So, you will be treated like a criminal. Contact Us.