Dropping Charges in Criminal Cases

Understanding the process of dropping charges in criminal cases is crucial for defendants, as it can significantly impact their legal strategy and their future. By becoming knowledgeable about these options, defendants can actively participate in their defense and work toward achieving a favorable outcome. Dropping Charges Is Up To the Prosecutor The decision to drop […]

What You Need To Know About Expungement in Texas

In Texas, individuals have two primary methods to eliminate their criminal records: expunction (or expungement) and non-disclosure. Expunction entails completely eradicating a person’s criminal history from all public databases, including records maintained by law enforcement and prosecution offices.  On the other hand, non-disclosure restricts public access to information regarding specific offenses, effectively concealing them from […]

What Proof Is Needed for a Restraining Order?

A restraining order is different from a protective order. Protective orders are used to protect victims in a domestic or family violence criminal case. However, restraining orders dictate what a person is legally allowed to do or not to do. Restraining orders often arise in civil cases. Even though a restraining order is a civil […]

What Happens When a Domestic Violence Victim Doesn’t Want to Press Charges?

Domestic violence (or family violence) involves an assault on someone who has a specific relationship with you. These serious criminal charges could result in legal and collateral consequences impacting many areas of your personal and professional life. Additionally, domestic violence accusations are often accompanied by protective orders that could require you to move out of […]

What Is a Criminal Defense Attorney and When Do You Need One?

A criminal defense attorney is a specific type of lawyer who defends people charged with crimes. Defense attorneys can either be hired privately by a defendant or appointed through the court system. It is never too early to meet with a criminal defense lawyer if you face a criminal charge. Effective legal representation is critical when you […]

What Are the Safest and Most Dangerous Neighborhoods in Fort Worth, Texas?

Fort Worth is a growing city with a population of just under a million. Since the last census in 2020, the area has seen growth of nearly 7.2%, perhaps due to desirable factors like favorable weather almost year-round, a resilient job market, and median home prices lower than the state average. Of course, when cities […]

Diligent Participation Credit

What is Diligent Participation Credit for a State Jail Felony? Diligent Participation Credit is credit counted towards a sentence for a state jail felon. According to Texas Code of Criminal Procedure Art. 42A.559, a “diligent participation credit” is awarded for: (1) successful completion of an educational, vocational, or treatment program; (2) progress toward successful completion of […]

Lascivious Exhibition: What Is Child Pornography?

Is It Art? Or Is It Child Pornography? If you’ve never heard the term “lascivious exhibition” you’re not alone. It could also be called lewd behavior, indecent conduct, or sexually explicit content. If you’re still confused, you are not alone: the Courts are too. If you are trying to understand the definition of child pornography in […]

Outcry Witness Explained

An “Outcry” statement is often a critical part of the State’s case in the prosecution of alleged child sexual abuse. This is where the State calls an adult witness to tell the jury about what a child (younger than 14) allegedly said to the adult about a sex crime. This hearsay relaying a child-witness’s description of […]

Penile Plethysmograph (PPG) in Criminal Cases

The penile plethysmograph (PPG) is a penile sexual arousal test that is often used to help determine whether a male participant is likely or unlikely to respond sexually to a child or adolescent. The results may be used in arriving at an opinion as to whether a person is a likely sex offender or is […]