Fort Worth Juvenile Crimes Lawyer

When facing juvenile criminal charges in Fort Worth, TX, obtaining the services of an experienced criminal defense lawyer is crucial. These legal professionals are well-versed in all aspects of the juvenile justice system, ensuring that the rights of young defendants are protected at every stage of the process. 

They can provide guidance, support, and representation to minors facing criminal charges, as well as their families. If you need help with a criminal charge in Fort Worth, Texas, we’re here for you and your family. Contact Cofer Luster Criminal Defense Lawyers to schedule a free consultation with a Fort Worth juvenile crimes lawyer at (682) 777-3336.  

How Cofer Luster Criminal Defense Lawyers Can Help If You’re Arrested for Juvenile Crimes

How Cofer Luster Criminal Defense Lawyers Can Help If You’re Arrested for Juvenile Crimes

At Cofer Luster Criminal Defense Lawyers, we are dedicated to providing comprehensive support and legal representation for juveniles facing criminal charges in Fort Worth, TX. Our dedicated team of professionals offers a range of services to ensure the best possible outcome for our clients:

  • Comprehensive Case Evaluation: We thoroughly review the details of the case to identify the best course of action and any potential defenses.
  • Protection of Rights: We ensure that your child’s constitutional rights are protected throughout the legal process, from interrogation to trial.
  • Support and Guidance: We provide continuous support and counsel to both the juvenile and their family, helping them navigate the juvenile justice system.
  • Court Advocacy: If charges aren’t dropped, our lawyers advocate aggressively in court, aiming for the most favorable results.
  • Post-Conviction Services: If necessary, we assist with appeals and other post-conviction issues to fight for your child’s rights and future.

If your child has been arrested in Fort Worth, Texas, the most important thing you can do is reach out to an experienced lawyer. Contact Cofer Luster Criminal Defense Lawyers to schedule a free consultation with a Fort Worth criminal defense attorney. 

Overview of Juvenile Crimes in Texas 

In Texas, the legal system acknowledges that minors, like adults, can engage in unlawful activities. However, it also recognizes the distinct differences between juveniles and adults, ensuring that young offenders are not subject to the same rules. 

Juveniles are offered special protections due to their age and developmental status, and Texas has established a distinct legal process specifically for individuals under 18 who allegedly commit criminal offenses. 

The juvenile justice system is distinctly designed with a focus on rehabilitation rather than punitive measures. Unlike the adult criminal justice system, which often emphasizes punishment and deterrence, the juvenile system tries to guide young offenders toward positive behavioral changes and successful reintegration into society. 

Common Juvenile Criminal Offenses in Texas

Understanding the nature and categories of juvenile criminal offenses is crucial for addressing and managing charges. Here are some common offenses committed by juveniles in Texas:

Juvenile Status Offenses

These offenses are deemed illegal due to the age of the offender. Common examples include underage drinking, smoking, truancy, and curfew violations. These infractions are unique to juveniles and are not considered crimes for adults.

Juvenile courts typically prioritize rehabilitation rather than punishment when dealing with status offenses. The goal is to redirect juveniles toward positive behavior through counseling, educational programs, and community service to prevent future infractions.

Acts of Juvenile Delinquency

This category encompasses a wide range of minor violations such as traffic infractions, disorderly conduct, loitering, and disruptions within school environments.

The legal repercussions for these offenses can vary based on the severity of the act and the juvenile’s prior record. Responses may range from warnings and community service to more stringent measures like probation or detention.

Property Crimes

Juveniles often face charges for property-related offenses such as shoplifting, trespassing, theft, and vandalism. These offenses, while seemingly minor, can have significant implications depending on the circumstances.

The value of the stolen or damaged items and the juvenile’s past offenses are taken into account for these offenses. Higher value or repeated infractions can lead to more severe penalties, including restitution or detention.

Violent Crimes

Violent offenses, such as harassment, gun possession, and assault, are treated with seriousness due to their potential harm to others.

In cases of serious violent crimes like aggravated assault or murder, juveniles can be prosecuted as adults. This brings more severe legal consequences and the possibility of long-term incarceration, reflecting the gravity of the offense.

What Are the Penalties For Juvenile Crimes in Fort Worth, Texas?

The penalties for juvenile offenses vary widely based on the nature of the crime, the juvenile’s prior record, and other mitigating factors. Common penalties include:


Juveniles may be placed on probation. This period of supervision ensures that they are monitored and that they aren’t engaged in criminal activity.


For more serious offenses, particularly felony crimes, juveniles could be sentenced to detention. This is reserved for the most severe cases.

Driver’s License Suspension

Certain offenses can lead to the mandatory suspension of a juvenile’s driver’s license. This penalty serves as both a deterrent and a means of emphasizing the importance of responsible behavior.

Restitution and Community Service

Juveniles may be required to compensate victims through restitution payments. Additionally, they might have to perform community service, requiring them to contribute positively to society.

Counseling and Rehabilitative Services

Participation in counseling or rehabilitative programs, including substance abuse treatment, may be mandated. These services are geared toward addressing underlying issues and promoting long-term behavioral changes.

Financial Penalties

Juveniles might be responsible for paying supervision fees and other court-related costs. These financial penalties reinforce accountability and the consequences of their actions.

An important thing to keep in mind is that juvenile criminal records are typically kept confidential to protect the individual’s future prospects. However, there are exceptions in certain cases of very severe crimes. 

What Defenses Can Be Raised If I’m Arrested For Juvenile Crimes? 

When a juvenile is arrested for a crime, several defenses can be raised to challenge the charges. The applicability and success of these defenses can vary based on the circumstances of the case, but below are some of the most common ones:

Lack of Intent

One defense often used is the lack of intent to commit the crime. The prosecution must prove that the juvenile had the intention to perform the criminal act. If it can be demonstrated that the act was accidental or that there was no malicious intent, this may serve as a valid defense.

Mistaken Identity

Mistaken identity can be another powerful defense. If the juvenile can prove that they were not the person who committed the crime–for example, by providing an alibi or pointing out flaws in witness testimony–the charges could be dropped, or the defendant could be found not delinquent.


In situations where the juvenile acted in self-defense to protect themselves or another person from harm, this defense can be raised. It must be shown that the juvenile’s actions were reasonably necessary to protect against an imminent threat.

Violation of Constitutional Rights

A defense could also be based on procedural grounds, such as a violation of the juvenile’s constitutional rights during the arrest or investigation. If evidence was obtained unlawfully or the juvenile’s rights were infringed, this could lead to evidence being suppressed. As a result, charges could be dismissed.

Understanding these defenses is crucial when navigating the justice system and securing a fair outcome for juveniles facing criminal charges. 

​Schedule a Free Case Evaluation With Our Fort Worth Juvenile Crimes Lawyer

Juvenile crimes require a thorough understanding of both the legal process and the viable defenses. Each case is unique, and working with a criminal defense lawyer is the best way to ensure that every possible option is explored and presented in court. For those facing juvenile criminal charges, our attorneys are here to provide guidance and support throughout the entire process. Contact Cofer Luster Criminal Defense Lawyers to schedule a free consultation with a Fort Worth juvenile crimes lawyer.