Fort Worth Indecent Exposure Lawyer

Being accused of indecent exposure in Fort Worth, TX, can have severe implications for your reputation and future. These charges often come with significant legal consequences that may affect your personal and professional lives for years to come – possibly for your entire life. 

Suppose you are facing allegations of indecent exposure. In that case, it’s crucial to have an experienced criminal defense lawyer who understands the challenges and severity of these cases and will advocate vigorously on your behalf. For legal help, contact Cofer Luster Criminal Defense Lawyers to schedule a free consultation with a Fort Worth indecent exposure lawyer at (682) 777-3336.

How Cofer Luster Criminal Defense Lawyers Can Help If You’re Arrested for Indecent Exposure

How Cofer Luster Criminal Defense Lawyers Can Help If You’re Arrested for Indecent Exposure

If you’ve been arrested for indecent exposure in Fort Worth, Texas, navigating the legal process can be overwhelming and intimidating. Our legal team is dedicated to providing you with comprehensive support in this difficult time. Here’s how:

  • Explain Possible Outcomes: Indecent exposure charges can carry serious consequences that may impact various aspects of your life. We will help you understand these potential outcomes so you’re fully informed every step of the way.
  • Collect Evidence: Our team will gather evidence in your case while identifying any inconsistencies or weaknesses in the prosecution’s argument. 
  • Negotiate a Plea Deal: Our lawyers are skilled negotiators who will strive for a favorable plea arrangement that might reduce charges or minimize penalties. We are prepared to take your case to trial if negotiations prove to be unproductive. 

We understand how serious an indecent exposure allegation can be for those in Fort Worth, Texas. Let us help you. Contact Cofer Luster Criminal Defense Lawyers to schedule a free consultation with a Fort Worth sex crimes attorney. 

Overview of Indecent Exposure in Texas 

In Texas, indecent exposure occurs when a person deliberately reveals their genitals or anus with the intention of sexually stimulating themselves or someone else. This act must be conducted without consideration for whether it may disturb or offend bystanders.

For instance, a woman may be guilty of indecent exposure if she changes her clothes in a public area for the purpose of provoking a sexual response. Similarly, a man could be charged if he exposes himself unexpectedly to another individual, showing a blatant disregard for the potential shock or discomfort his actions may cause.

Intent is an Essential Element

The element of intent is essential for a conviction. For example, if a college student exposed their buttocks to passing vehicles as a prank, their intention likely isn’t to sexually provoke or gratify themselves or others. In this type of scenario, they could potentially avoid charges of indecent exposure under Texas law (though they might face different charges, like disorderly conduct).

What Are the Penalties For Indecent Exposure in Fort Worth, Texas?

Under Texas law, indecent exposure is classified as a Class B misdemeanor. The penalties for indecent exposure can include:

  • Jail Time: Offenders may face incarceration of up to 180 days.
  • Fines: There is a potential fine of up to $2,000.
  • Probation or Community Service: Alternatively, individuals may be subjected to probation or required to complete community service hours.

There can be additional consequences as well depending on the circumstances, such as sex offender registration. 

Sex Offender Registration Requirement

While a first-time offender may not face mandatory sex offender registration, subsequent offenses will lead to this penalty. For second or subsequent offenses. defendants will be required to register as a sex offender in Texas for 10 years following the completion of any supervisory period.

What Defenses Can Be Raised If I’m Arrested for Indecent Exposure? 

When facing charges of indecent exposure, there are several defenses that may be applicable depending on the specifics of the case. Below are some common defenses:

Lack of Intent

The prosecution must prove that the individual intended to expose themselves for sexual gratification or to provoke a sexual response. If the act was accidental or without intention, this could lead to an acquittal.

Insufficient Evidence

The prosecution has the burden to prove every element of the crime beyond a reasonable doubt. If there is insufficient evidence to support the claim that the defendant intentionally exposed themselves, this could lead to a dismissal of charges.

If the involved parties were in a consensual situation where exposure was understood and agreed upon, this could be used as a defense.

Mistaken Identity

If the accused can provide evidence or witnesses that support their claim of not being the person who committed the act, this can be an effective defense against the charges.

Each case is unique, so consulting with a legal professional is essential.

​Schedule a Free Case Evaluation With Our Fort Worth Indecent Exposure Lawyers

If you or a loved one is facing charges of indecent exposure, it is essential to seek legal advice to help you navigate the legal system. Our legal team has experience in handling these types of cases and can provide you with personalized and effective defense strategies. If you need help with this type of charge, we’re here for you every step of the way. Contact Cofer Luster Criminal Defense Lawyers to schedule a free consultation with a Fort Worth indecent exposure lawyer.