What Makes a Good Criminal Defense Lawyer?

You know that when you’re facing criminal charges, the best thing you can do to help yourself is find a good defense attorney. But if you’re like the majority of people, you might not know what exactly to look for.

Here’s a guide to some of the most important things to examine when you’re choosing a criminal defense lawyer.

A Focus on Criminal Defense

A Focus on Criminal Defense

This might sound obvious. However, when you’re counting on a lawyer to defend you, you want to make sure they’re committed to criminal defense. If your lawyer handles criminal cases every day, they are continually sharpening their skills — and that can only help your case.

Every lawyer has legal knowledge, but when a lawyer can reference specific laws, sentencing guidelines, and cases off the top of their head, it’s a sign that they have a real working knowledge of the law. That’s the kind of attorney you want fighting for your rights in court. 

If you go to a consultation and the attorney seems to constantly need to look things up, that may be a sign that they aren’t familiar enough with the law they practice.

A Strong Track Record

An attorney’s track record of winning cases isn’t a guarantee that they’ll win your case. However, many attorneys start to establish a pattern over time. If a lawyer consistently secures positive outcomes for their clients, that’s usually a sign that they dedicate significant focus and effort to each case they take on.

You shouldn’t have to dig around online to find a particular firm’s track record — often, a good defense firm or lawyer will include a link to their case results right on their homepage. 

Honesty and Transparency

If you’re facing criminal charges, you don’t want an attorney who’s going to sugarcoat things. You need someone who will be straightforward with you so you understand the situation you’re up against and the options you have going forward.

This is where an initial consultation becomes especially important. A consultation is where you can start to get a general sense of who a lawyer is and how they operate. If you feel that the attorney isn’t being completely forthright, they might not be the right criminal defense attorney for you.

Transparency is also critical when it comes to pricing. Different firms and individual attorneys may have different ways of billing their clients. But regardless of their fee schedules, attorneys should always be able to tell you how payment works. An overly complex fee schedule can lead to confusion, and you may end up paying more than you need to.

Communication Skills

Sometimes, it’s impossible to really get a feel for an attorney’s communication skills until you’re already working with them. However, there are several ways you can start to gauge their communication style, even early on.

One of the most important skills for lawyers — and criminal defense lawyers in particular — is the ability to break down legal concepts in ways their clients can understand. If you’re facing criminal charges, you deserve to be involved in your own case. You can’t be truly involved unless you understand what’s going on.

Think of it this way: when you go to the doctor, the doctor doesn’t use complex medical jargon to tell you what’s going on. Instead, they break down the medical terminology so the average person can understand it. A good lawyer should be able to do the same thing.

Local Experience

Every city and county court system has its idiosyncrasies. And while having a lawyer who understands how a given area does things isn’t going to automatically win your case, it can be very helpful.

An attorney with experience in your area will be familiar with the various judges presiding over local courts. For example, suppose you’ve been charged with a DWI, and your attorney knows that a particular judge tends to be more lenient with DWI offenders. They may be able to move your court date to ensure that the judge will preside over your case.

Interest and Enthusiasm

Even the best lawyer in the world won’t be of any use to you if they don’t care about your case. 

At your consultation, look for these signs that the attorney is interested and engaged with your case:

  • They listen to you without getting distracted
  • They ask you questions
  • They ask you about your goals for the case
  • They give you a basic overview of how they might handle your case

“Enthusiasm” doesn’t have to mean that an attorney is bubbling over with energy. In this context, it just means they have the right combination of focus and motivation to help you with your case.

A Non-Judgmental Outlook

For many people, facing criminal charges is embarrassing or even shameful. If you feel this way, you’re already judging yourself enough. You don’t need your lawyer to judge you, too.

When discussing your crime with you, your attorney should remain professional. After all, a defense attorney’s job is to develop a strategy for the future, not to dwell on your crime.

They Give You the Final Word

Many clients are willing to let their attorneys direct their decisions. However, a good criminal defense attorney recognizes the fact that, ultimately, the client has the final say. 

This means that if you’re facing a decision between a plea deal and going to trial (or a similarly difficult choice), your attorney can explain to you which option they think would benefit you and why, but the ultimate decision is yours. 

It’s easy to see your lawyer as an authority. But keep in mind that your defense attorney isn’t your boss — they’re your advisor. You hire them to help you make decisions, not to make those decisions for you.

When Everything’s on the Line, the Right Criminal Defense Attorney Makes All the Difference

Facing criminal charges can be a nightmarish experience. Your freedom, your finances, your reputation, and sometimes even your life are in jeopardy. Now, you’re making what might be the most important decision of your entire life: choosing an attorney to defend you.

At Cofer Luster Criminal Defense Lawyers, we understand the weight of this decision. We also understand that, as defense attorneys, our job is to be your fiercest advocate, even when it may feel like the rest of the world is against you. We invite you to schedule a confidential consultation or call (682) 777-3336 to discuss your case and your options with our Fort Worth criminal defense attorneys.