Romeo And Juliet Law In Texas – 5 Things Most People Don’t Know

Sexual crimes convictions in Texas carry severe consequences. Teens may be unaware of the criminal implications of a sexual relationship with a teen partner, particularly when both parties consent to the relationship. The Texas Romeo and Juliet law may apply in a Fort Worth sex crimes case if charges involve a close-in-age sexual offense.  1. […]

What is Felony Domestic Violence in Texas?

Domestic violence charges in Texas, generally referred to as family violence, are taken extremely seriously. When those charges become felonies, the stakes are even higher for defendants. A felony conviction can lead to lengthy prison sentences, serious fines, and a criminal record that follows you for the rest of your life.  Beyond the legal penalties, […]

Texas Stand Your Ground, Castle Doctrine | Self-Defense

In the past several years, there has been a lot of discussion of stand-your-ground laws throughout the United States. However, the meaning is uncertain. Furthermore, the laws vary from state to state. Texas applies traditional self-defense laws and the Castle Doctrine. You can learn more about your rights and how they are applied below. What […]

Aggravated Sexual Assault vs. Sexual Assault in Texas

Sexual assault is a serious crime in Texas, but aggravated sexual assault carries even harsher penalties due to more severe circumstances. Understanding how Texas law treats these two offenses is important if you or someone you know becomes involved in a case.  These differences can affect possible sentences as well as your defense approach. Talking […]

What is A 5K1 Motion for Federal Sentence Reduction? 

A “5K” or “5K1 motion” is a way to get a reduced federal sentence. The term “5K” references a United States Sentencing Guidelines provision: Chapter 5 – Determining the Sentence Part K – Departures Section 5K1.1 – Substantial Assistance A “5K1 motion” is a request to the federal judge filed by the Government (federal prosecutor) […]

How to Write a Character Letter for a Judge

When facing the criminal justice system, it’s important to understand the possible ways to reduce the consequences. In some cases, this might include presenting a character letter to the court. A character letter is a written statement that provides a personal account of the defendant’s character, often from a friend, family member, or colleague, to […]

Can I Get a DWI Off My Record?

Expunge a DWI If your DWI is dismissed (without being placed on probation) or you are acquitted at trial, then you are likely eligible for an expunction under Chapter 55A (formerly Chapter 55) of the Texas Code of Criminal Procedure. You can contact Cofer Luster Criminal Defense Lawyers to file a petition to expunge that […]

The Steps of a Criminal Case

The Texas criminal justice system processes individuals charged with crimes under the state penal code. Most individuals arrested for the first time are unfamiliar with the criminal process in Texas. Whether this is your first arrest or you have a criminal record, hiring an experienced Fort Worth criminal defense lawyer can ensure you are adequately […]

Cody Cofer | Board Certified in Criminal Appeals

Texas Appellate Lawyer for Criminal Cases Cofer Luster Criminal Defense Lawyers is proud to announce Cody L. Cofer is now Board Certified in Criminal Appeals by the Texas Board of Legal Specialization (TBLS). A Tiny Fraction of Attorneys Have This Qualification About 7% of Texas lawyers are Board Certified in a specialty area. Less than […]

Age of Consent in Texas and Exceptions

The age of consent refers to a person’s ability to give meaningful consent. In criminal law, the age of consent typically refers to the minimum age for a minor to be able to consent to sexual conduct. The age of consent varies by state. Texas defines the age of consent as 17 in most situations, […]