What Proof Is Needed for a Restraining Order?

A restraining order is different from a protective order. Protective orders are used to protect victims in a domestic or family violence criminal case. However, restraining orders dictate what a person is legally allowed to do or not to do. Restraining orders often arise in civil cases. Even though a restraining order is a civil […]

On What Grounds Can a Case be Dismissed?

No Probable Cause to Arrest Police need probable cause to arrest a person. Probable cause means the police believe a person has committed a crime, and that belief is based on objective factual circumstances. An officer cannot arrest a person simply because they have a “feeling” that person broke the law. If the police officer […]

Texas Board Of Pardons And Paroles – Index Of Terms

TDCJ: Important Terms to Know The Texas Department of Criminal Justice (TDCJ) exists “…to provide public safety, promote positive change in offender behavior, reintegrate offenders into society, and assist victims of crime.” If you fall into any of these categories: whether a defendant charged with a crime, an inmate convicted of a crime, the victim […]

How Much Does a Criminal Defense Attorney Cost in Texas?

A criminal charge can change your life in an instant. As Fort Worth criminal defense attorneys, we at Cofer Luster Criminal Defense Lawyers will fight for your rights while trying to get the best outcome for your case. We advocate on your behalf while investigating your case, check for evidence illegally obtained by police, and […]

Am I Being Detained? 6 Questions You Should Ask During Interactions With the Police

Being stopped by law enforcement officers can be frightening and intimidating. Many people assume they do not have any rights when police officers question them. Even when you did nothing wrong, you should treat an encounter with a police officer seriously. However, that does not mean you should not exercise your rights. Understanding your legal […]