Local Federal Defense Assault Attorney

Criminal Defense Attorneyfor Federal Charges

In this paragraph, we will discuss that Federal cases are different than state cases. Firstly if a lawyer says something different, then that lawyer has not spent much time practicing in the Northern District of Texas. Secondly, however, Cody Cofer has handled hundreds of federal charges. Thirdly he was appointed as an Assistant Federal Public Defender for the Northern District of Texas. So Cofer’s work as an AFPD means: he was trained by thebest federal defense lawyers in the country.Additionally, he had the opportunity to handle more federal cases than any private attorney could reasonably expect to litigate, for instance annually. In conclusion, he spent every week in the federal district courts throughout the Northern District of Texas (this includes the Honorable John McBryde’s court). Similarly, in addition to fighting federal cases in the district (trial) court, Cody was able to litigate appeals in theFifth Circuit Federal Court of Appeals. Moreover, Cody has often said, “I firmly believe the absolute best federal defense attorneys in the country are those at the Federal Public Defender’s Office.” In conclusion, if you arehiring a defense attorney for your federal case, we recommend you seriously consider hiring a former Assistant Federal Public Defender. Among this group is Cody Cofer.

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Texas Criminal Defense Attorneys

However you will find lawyers blaring about how “aggressive” they are. Whereas we believe your criminal defense team needs to know how to fight. Firsly, what to fight about. Secondly, sometimes an aggressive approach is required. Although at Cofer Luster Criminal Defense Lawyers , we do not allow aggressiveness to detract from the quality of defense we provide.In addition, we will not put our clients and their case at risk just for the sake of maintaining an “aggressive” approach. Furthermore our defense strategy is carefully developed by listening to your need. Therefore by understanding the nuances of your case. Thirdly, by shaping our tactics to incorporate our vast criminal defense experience. In conclusion, Cofer Luster focuses on you, our client, to ensure the best possible outcome for your case.Most importantly, we want to be the best for our clients and exceed their expectations. Therefore, to continue to provide the best service possible. After all we spend hours studying similar cases. Such as conduct in-the-field investigations.Meanwhile, carefully nurture relationships throughout the criminal justice system. Furthermore, after your case is finished, we want you to feel confident recommending our criminal defense law firm. Such as to your friends and family as one of the best law firms.


Criminal investigations and charges create chaos in your life.Find a team that can bring calm, can stand as a bulwark, and takes a bellicose approach to defending you. We are that team.

Local Federal Defense Assault Attorney

Have you been charged with a state or federal crime in the area? We have a team of the Local seasoned criminal defense attorneys and former Tarrant County prosecutors that can help you fight your charges. In addition, our Federal Defense lawyers are all former prosecutors with over 200 jury cases under their belts, ranging from DWI to capital murder. Cofer Luster represents clients accused of crimes such as Assault and violent crimes in both state and federal courts.Moreover, our criminal and DWI legal company strives to deliver the Local criminal defense attorney in for our clients. Furthermore an expert criminal Attorney from our 5 star rated legal company can also assist you in minimizing the repercussions of a criminal charge. has a well-deserved reputation for being a tough on crime state. Nonetheless Tarrant County and its environs are no exception. Additionally, you can know that if you are caught or prosecuted, law enforcement agents and prosecutors will do all they can to convict you and give you the worst penalty imaginable. 

Local Federal Defense Assault Attorney

Therefore a Federal Defense may have a significant impact on your life. In addition to the stress of dealing with court dates and navigating the legal system, losing your license might provide significant problems. Therefore, you may face hefty penalties or even jail time in some instances.Also, many of your fears and concerns may be alleviated by working with an expert in and DWI Attorney. A Local defense Attorney can ensure that you are fully supported every step of the road, whether negotiating a plea or preparing for trial. You may not know where to go from here, but with legal representation on your side, you won’t have to go through this tough process alone, and you’ll know exactly what to anticipate at every stage.

Local Federal Defense Assault Attorney

Additionally, our company has a lot of expertise in Assault cases. Our DWI attorneys in have handled over 100 DWI jury cases, ranging from misdemeanor DWI (Driving While Intoxicated) through felony DWI offenses (DWI Felony Repetition). Thousands of Assault charges have also been examined and negotiated by us. However the majority of Federal Defense cases are classified as Class B Assault . Therefore requires at least three days in prison. Moreover, if an open container is discovered in the car, the minimum sentence is six days in prison. Whereas in driving with a blood alcohol concentration (BAC) of 0.15 percent or more is a Class A misdemeanor, As a result which is a more severe offense. Multiple violations are also subject to harsher sanctions, for instance.

Local Federal Defense Assault Attorney

Furthermore, a second  Assault conviction carries a minimum sentence of 30 days in prison. Furthermore, if there is a kid under the age of 15 in the car, the penalties may be increased. Additionally Assault with a kid in the car carries a sentence of 180 days to two years in prison, as well as a fine of up to $10,000. Therefore necessitating the assistance of a Federal Defense or DWI Attorney. 

What Our Clients Say

Clients notice the difference between Cofer Luster Criminal Defense Lawyers and other criminal defense lawyers. Firstly because of our nonjudgmental, informed, down-to-earth, and results-oriented approach. Secondly, we dedicate to delivering consistently excellent results for each of our clients. Thirdly We don’t rest on our prior triumphs. In conclusion, we come to work every day with the motivation and enthusiasm to fight for our clients. Contact us immediately and let us fight for you.

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